
First Wednesday of the month, online pairs, IMP scoring.

Second Wednesday of the month, online pairs, Match points.

Third Wednesday of the month Face-to-Face pairs at The Simple Cafe, Match Points.

Fourth Wednesday of the month online pairs, Match points.

Fifth Wednesday of the month, Face-to-Face Teams at The Simple Cafe.



On Thursday afternoons, starting at 14.00, there is friendly face to face bridge at the Octagon, Farmhill from April 11th.

Further details from Nigel (see Contact us)


If you are wanting to know who is on standby, what event we are playing and who is directing and hosting on any given week then you can:

View the timetable here.

Franceska who organises the standbys, and all the hosts and directors can change the timetable so let one of them know if you need something changed or added.  Thank you to all the standbys and the hosts and directors who freely give their time to make this all work.

